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Remote Access Tools Policy

This page describes Data Migrators’ policy on remote access tools.


Remote desktop software, also known as remote access tools, provide a way for computer users and support staff alike to share screens, access work computer systems from home, and vice versa. Examples of such software include LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, VNC (Virtual Network Computing), and Windows Remote Desktop (RDP).  While these tools can save significant time and money by eliminating travel and enabling collaboration, they also provide a back door into the Data Migrators network that can be used for theft of, unauthorized access to, or destruction of assets. As a result, only approved, monitored, and properly controlled remote access tools may be used on Data Migrators computer systems.


This policy defines the requirements for remote access tools used at Data Migrators.


This policy applies to all remote access where either end of the communication terminates at a Data Migrators computer asset


All remote access tools used to communicate between Data Migrators assets and other systems must comply with the following policy requirements.

Remote Access Tools

Data Migrators provides mechanisms to collaborate between internal users, with external partners, and from non-Data Migrators systems. The approved software list can be obtained from Data Migrators Consultant Handbook. Because proper configuration is important for secure use of these tools, mandatory configuration procedures are provided for each of the approved tools.

The approved software list may change at any time, but the following requirements will be used for selecting approved products:

  1. All remote access tools or systems that allow communication to Data Migrators resources from the Internet or external partner systems must require multi-factor authentication. Examples include authentication tokens and smart cards that require an additional PIN or password.

  2. The authentication database source must be Active Directory or LDAP, and the authentication protocol must involve a challenge-response protocol that is not susceptible to replay attacks. The remote access tool must mutually authenticate both ends of the session.

  3. Remote access tools must support the Data Migrators application layer proxy rather than direct connections through the perimeter firewall(s).

  4. Remote access tools must support strong, end-to-end encryption of the remote access communication channels as specified in the Data Migrators network encryption protocols policy.

  5. All Data Migrators antivirus, data loss prevention, and other security systems must not be disabled, interfered with, or circumvented in any way.

All remote access tools must be purchased through the standard Data Migrators procurement process, and the information technology group must approve the purchase.

Policy Compliance

Compliance Measurement

The Infosec team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but not limited to, periodic walk-thrus, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback to the policy owner.


Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Infosec Team in advance.


An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Definitions and Terms

The following definition and terms can be found in the SANS Glossary located at:

  • Application layer proxy