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Employee Off-boarding Policy

This page describes Data Migrators’ employee off-boarding policy.


Our employees systems and data

It is in Data Migrators’ interest to effectively manage the departure of employees when their employment ends. This off-boarding process can help to ensure the:

  • Security of property and information
  • Completion of required exit tasks
  • Business continuity upon the employee’s departure
  • Transition with staff and clients
  • Collection of information and insights about the Data Migrators employment experience


This policy affects all employees, including board members, investors, contractors and volunteers, who may have access to confidential information.

Policy Steps

When a letter of resignation is received and/or Data Migrators initiates a final separation action (Termination/Dismissal, Medical Separation, Layoff, Job Abandonment, etc.) then Data Migrators informs the employee that all Company property and electronic resources, access, and documents must be returned/secured upon separation. We will discuss a transition plan and the transfer of information. Data Migrators completes the Supervisor Checklist for Off-boarding Employees.

Supervisor Checklist for Off-boarding Employees


A suitably-qualified administrator appointed by a Data Migrators Director will take take the following actions:

  • Check employee rights in their jurisdiction and implications for off-boarding.
  • Notify the employee of termination, including
    • any factors that have triggered it
    • the process they’ve been through (e.g. performance management) leading up to termination
    • the process they will go through as part of termination (e.g. post-employment placement support)
  • Removal of infrastructure access
  • Notify office accommodation suppliers to remove access.
  • Return of equipment
  • Remote wipe where possible
  • Revoke SaaS tool access (See below)
  • Address IBM-related access
    • Remove IBM PartnerWorld entry and access
    • Notify IBM to remove user’s W3 access (IBM account, IBM Slack, etc.)
  • Access to Data Migrators premises is rescinded

Infrastructure and SaaS Services

Remove the user’s access to the following platforms and services:

  • Suspend 1Password account
  • Remove AWS access from All AWS accounts (assign owned objects to trusted administrator)
    • Remove all API keys (which will suspend access via Transmit, Dash, etc.)
    • Remote all used-related Security Group entries
    • Remove all IAM accounts
  • Suspend access to Google Workspace account
    • Delete pending review
  • Suspend Office365 account
    • Verify AzureDevOps is suspended
    • Remove user’s Azure API keys
    • Delete pending review
  • Archive Atlassian account
    • This covers Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket
    • Delete account pending review
  • Delete accounts from SaaS ALM systems
    • GitHub
    • Azure DevOps
  • Delete accounts from self-hosted ALM systems (dm-demo-alm.*)
    • Azure Server (self-hosted)
    • GitHub Server (self-hosted)
    • GitLab (self-hosted)
    • Jenkins (self-hosted)
  • Verify then remove user’s objects on the AWS dm-sandbox account
  • Remove any user-specific accounts on dm-demo-alm and dm-demo-datastage environments
  • Offboard in Xero
  • Offboard in Harvest Remove any relevant account from the following services:
  • Bitdefender
  • Box
  • Slack
  • Zoom